Commitment to Safety and Respect

Anime Ames is dedicated to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all attendees. We are committed to preventing and addressing harassment. This includes but is not limited to harassment based on race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, military service, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, personal appearance, marital status, or any other personal characteristic.

Harassment is outlined under Iowa law and can be referenced here: Iowa 708.7 Assault & Harassment

Harassment can be defined but is not limited to when a person has the malicious intent to purposely terrorize, intimidate, annoy, alarm, or threaten any person.

Additional examples of harassment include deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, unwanted photography or recording, ongoing disruption of talks or events, inappropriate physical contact, and unsolicited sexual advances. Participants are required to stop any harassing behavior immediately when asked.

If you experience or witness harassment from staff, attendees, or external parties at our event, please address the issue by asking the offending party to stop. If you’re unable to resolve the situation directly or if the behavior persists, report the incident to a convention committee member or a designated staff representative who will handle the situation.

We take all complaints seriously and will conduct a thorough, unbiased, and confidential investigation. Following the investigation, we will share the findings with the involved parties. If harassment is proven, we will take appropriate steps, which may involve issuing formal warnings or removing the individual from the event and all future events permanently with no refund.

Individuals who report harassment will not face any retaliation. We are committed to protecting those who come forward and ensuring they are not subjected to negative consequences.

Thank you for your Understanding and Support!